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“yabo888vip网页登录平台”丰田将与铃木结成商业联盟发布日期:2024-10-17 10:42:01 浏览次数:
本文摘要:The sprawling Toyota family is expanding yet again.枝叶茂盛的丰田(Toyota)家族将再度步入扩展。

The sprawling Toyota family is expanding yet again.枝叶茂盛的丰田(Toyota)家族将再度步入扩展。Toyota, Japan’s biggest carmaker, said it will explore a business tie-up with smaller rival Suzuki to develop next-generation technologies.日本仅次于汽车制造商丰田回应,将探寻与规模较小的竞争对手铃木(Suzuki)结为商业联盟,共同开发下一代技术。Japan’s car industry has seen a wave of alliances in recent years as companies grapple with rising costs of developing fuel-efficient vehicles and new technologies such as autonomous driving, writes Kana Inagaki.随着各家车企希望应付研发省油车辆和自动驾驶等新技术带给的成本上升问题,日本汽车业近年来经常出现了一波结盟潮。

Toyota already has capital ties with Daihatsu, Hino and Subaru maker Fuji Heavy. Its latest agreement with Suzuki will likely be similar to the partnership Toyota struck with Mazda last year that does not involve capital ties.丰田之前已与大发(Daihatsu)、日野(Hino)以及斯巴鲁(Subaru)的生产商富士重工(Fuji Heavy)创建了资本联系。其与铃木的这一近期协议,很有可能将类似于去年其与马自达(Mazda)达成协议的合作,而不牵涉到资本联系。

The two companies are scheduled to hold a press conference later this evening in Tokyo.丰田和铃木计划今晚晚些时候在东京举办新闻发布会。Suzuki, Japan’s fourth largest carmaker with a focus on small cars, formed a partnership with Volkswagen in 2009, but that was followed by an acrimonious split only two years later. Its sales are strong in India, where its Maruti Suzuki affiliate controls about half of the market, but analysts have said the company will need to find a partner to adapt to the industry shift towards the electrification of cars.铃木是日本第四大汽车制造商,专心于生产小型汽车,2009年曾与大众汽车(Volkswagen)结为合作伙伴,但仅两年后双方就不欢而散。铃木在印度销售强大,其子公司马鲁蒂铃木(Maruti Suzuki)掌控了当地大约一半的市场,但分析师回应,铃木必须寻找一个合作伙伴,以适应环境该行业向汽车电气化的改变。

