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亚傅体育app官网登录入口:基因测试或将助乳腺癌患者避免化疗发布日期:2024-10-09 10:42:01 浏览次数:
本文摘要:More than a hundred thousand women diagnosed with breast cancer in Europe and the US each year could avoid chemotherapy by taking a gene test made by Agendia, a Dutch biotech group, which can attempt to predict whether the disease is likely to return.通过拒绝接受一家荷兰生物科技集团Agendia研发的一项基因测试,每年发病患上乳腺癌的逾10万名欧美女性有可能不用拒绝接受化疗。

More than a hundred thousand women diagnosed with breast cancer in Europe and the US each year could avoid chemotherapy by taking a gene test made by Agendia, a Dutch biotech group, which can attempt to predict whether the disease is likely to return.通过拒绝接受一家荷兰生物科技集团Agendia研发的一项基因测试,每年发病患上乳腺癌的逾10万名欧美女性有可能不用拒绝接受化疗。Agendia可以尝试预测癌症若无发作有可能。Women with early-stage breast cancer are often given chemotherapy after surgery if their tumours are over a certain size or have started to spread to the lymph nodes, factors which suggest they have a high clinical risk of suffering a recurrence.被发病患上早期乳腺癌的女性,如果肿瘤尺寸多达一定范围或者开始蔓延到淋巴结(这些因素似乎,癌症发作的临床风险十分低),那么一般来说不会在手术之后拒绝接受化疗。But many of them are believed to gain little benefit from undergoing the punishing therapy.但据信她们中许多人拒绝接受这种虐待人的化疗之后,完全没接到任何疗效。

According to the results of a large clinical study, to be published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) on Thursday, 根据周四公开发表于《新英格兰医学杂志》(NEJM)上的一项大型临床研究的结果,patients who were deemed by the test to have a low genomic risk of recurrent cancer — and who subsequently did not receive chemotherapy — had a similar chance of surviving compared with those who were given the toxic treatment.测试后被指出从基因组角度取决于癌症发作风险很低——并且随后没拒绝接受化疗——的患者,其存活概率跟那些拒绝接受了这种有毒性的疗法的患者差不多。Agendia said that of the roughly 445,000 women diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer each year in Europe and the US, around 102,000 of them could be able to forego chemotherapy after taking the so-called MammaPrint test.Agendia回应,在约44.5万名每年被证实患上早期乳腺癌的欧美女性中,10.2万人在经过所谓MammaPrint测试之后,有可能有能力退出化疗。The MammaPrint test costs roughly $3,000, but could result in a net reduction in healthcare costs given that a round of chemotherapy costs about $26,000 per patient.MammaPrint测试的费用大约为3000美元,但鉴于每名患者的一轮化疗费用大约为2.6万美元,该测试有可能构建医疗费用的净增加。

The five-year clinical study of more than 5,000 women found that 94.7 per cent of patients who were categorised as lower-risk by the test survived without their cancer returning and spreading to other parts of the body, about 1.5 per cent lower than those who did receive chemotherapy.针对逾5000名女性、为期5年的临床研究找到,在被MammaPrint测试指出发作风险更加较低的患者中,94.7%的人活着了下来,癌症未发作或者蔓延到身体其他部位,比起显然拒绝接受过化疗的患者较低了1.5%。The MammaPrint test scans biopsies of tumours for 70 genes that govern whether cancerous cells are likely to multiply or invade healthy tissues to determine if there is a high chance of the disease returning even after patients have undergone surgery.MammaPrint测试对肿瘤的活体的组织切片展开扫瞄,查询掌理癌细胞否可能会交配或侵略身体健康的组织的70种基因,从而判断在患者即便经历手术之后,癌症发作的可能性否很高。The findings come as oncologists try to find treatment plans that are less burdensome, especially for women suffering from breast cancer, who sometimes undergo major surgery such as a double mastectomy even when there is a low risk of their disease recurring.这一研究结果发布之时,肿瘤学家们于是以尝试找寻开销更加小(特别是在是对乳腺癌女患者而言)的化疗方案。即使癌症发作的风险很低,这些女患者有时也不会展开双侧乳腺手术等大手术。

